
About Us

Welcome to YUMAKART an eCommerce store


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Company Profile

A company statement, or a mission statement, clarifies the reason for the existence and the goal of the business. A company statement should clarify who are the customers you serve, what products and services you offer, and your business or service location.

About Company

  • Company Statement
  • Key Products andServices
  • Company History
  • Key People
  • Market Analysis
  • Customer Profile
  • Future Plans

Company Vision

We are supporting the nation to be Atma Nirbhar and we are providing self employement nation wide to decrease the poverty level. Our community having (team members, customers, and management etc.) is a family (lovely) and such kind of company is a big acchievement of the organization. We want every single person of the community will be an achiever, achieve their goal with the supporting organization and community everyone will be achiever because we known the power of efforts and connectivity with passion.

Company Mission

Our first priority is to provide support for the health, well being and healing Of the people, customer, team member and b/s organization. We are on the way Where every single person of the organization can complete our dreams by Using the system and by using supporting community. We are constructing a Family having a single person is a whole community. We are on the way to Recaling all the problem/ hazards of the community /family/organization, that Occurs in the past because we are one and we are transparent

History Of Us

Our product development division fosters cross-divisional teamwork and our modern, open offices help inspire creativity by providing flexible space where our staff can unleash new mental energies. The result? An atmosphere both fertile to fresh ideas and innovation as well as destined to improve the everyday lives of our customers – customers who share in our pride when they read the words, “Made by Yumark”.

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